Foods and gadgets in Japan

What do you know about Japanese foods? Rich of seafoods? Healthy? Zen? Here is more of Japanese food today. And, what about gadgets in Japan? Sony? Nintendo? Honda? You know there are more of it. Let's see some of them.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Japanese Foods

You can find Japanese foods at supermarket or at Japanese restraint. You know enough about sushi and tofu. But there are many Japanese foods you don't know.
Basically, there are three kinds of Japanese foods.

A. Traditional Japanese foods, such as sushi and tempra.

B. Foods that Japanese people refer as "Japanese Foods" (washoku in Japanese.)

C. What Japanese people actually eats, including junk foods.

For the people outside of Japan, "Japanese Foods" means above A. But above B, including A, is more Japanese. And there are foods typically Japanese but no one refers them as Japanese foods. For instance, dish of curry with rice is already a traditional Japanese taste, but it is referred as Indian foods in Japan. I am sure that Indian people will not find it Indian at all. Or, you can find many junk foods in the supermarket in Japan. There is a salty fried twisted crumbs taste like shrimps, called Kappa-Ebisen. This little snack was there forty years ago when I was a kid. These are foods in the category C.
You may be tired of hearing about the foods in the category A, and I don't know much about them. So, I will talk about other Japanese foods. I will also mention about the foods I cook. They may not be typical Japanese, but sure tastes good!



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